The path to greatness is paved with pavement. Or wood chips. Or the squishy stuff tracks are made of.
If you’ve got a body, you’ve got a gym body.
Raise yourself to new heights. And then slowly lower yourself back to where you started. And then RAISE YOURSELF TO NEW HEIGHTS AGAIN!
Run like you’re the only person in the world. Because someday that might be true and then you’ll be ready for it.
Who said going in circles doesn’t get you anywhere?
If you love waking up at 5 am for a run, you are a liar, but a dedicated liar.
The possibilities are endless and the workouts are… about 30 to 45 minutes.
Be your own motivational poster
Actually going to the gym is half the battle. We don’t have to talk about the other half.
Recent studies show that actually running is 100% more effective than thinking about maybe running later.
Cats may not appreciate the fact that you woke up at 6 a.m. to run 13.1 miles. But they will appreciate the fact that your lap won’t move for awhile.
Stairs: They’re nature’s stair machine.
The only thing you control is whether or not you stop.
If your shirt is not as good at staying up as you are,  Nike's Dri-Fit Knit tank can help.
The only thing better than finishing your first race is crawling in bed after finishing your first race.
I don’t sweat, I glo— Oh, no, wait. I sweat.
Favorite yoga pose. Hands down.
This is the ghost of your laziness, which died approximately 12 lunges ago.
Sometimes leaving your bed is the hardest part. Aside from all the running you’re about to do.
Don't take a shower you didn't earn. That's stealing.
I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’M A CHAMPION I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying
If you’re the straggler in your run club, just pretend you’re on a solo run. See? Now you’re winning.
To make sure you’re doing your downward dog correctly, please consult a professional.
Peas. Good for your body in at least 2 ways.
Trail running: just like running on a treadmill, but with more squirrels and leaves and stuff.
Water is just water until you become a runner. Then it’s ✨ WATER ✨.
Go big. Or medium. Or small. Wherever you’re at, just go.
Don’t let anything distract you. Not even the millions of distractions.
It's important to be an individual. Unless you're in a dance class that relies on choreography, in which case, it's important to be exactly like the person next to you, just do what she's doing.
Sometimes a new bruise means a new record.
Nothing is impossible. Except for this. But everything else is  fair game.
I guess that means you did it right.
Remember: never-ending runs end in long, cold, never-ending showers.
It’s all about your mind-set. And what kind of terrifying jungle animal you’ve chosen to ride inside of that mind-set.
You are a reflection of all your hard work. Especially if you’re standing on a reflective surface.
Work with what you got.
Looking like a pro is half the battle. Well, maybe a little less than half, because you’ve never played tennis before.
The best thing about city running: it smells like doughnuts every three blocks.
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